Focus Ability Community Contribution Company

WorkAble Solutions

news archive

  • More Companies See 'Neurodiverse' Job Candidates As Untapped Talent Pool Read more... 

The growing acceptance of autism in the workplace.  "We like to think that good work is always rewarded. But what if some people who could do good work can't their foot in the door..." Read more... 

11 shocking statistics about autism and employment  "The vast majority of autistic people cannot get a job – and when they do, bullying in the workplace seems to be on the rise..."  Read more...

Google Gives $775,000 to Nonprofit for Tech Diversity  "Google is giving a boost to a nonprofit that provides mentorship to minorities entering the tech workforce..."  Read more...

A waste of talent? Making space for autism in engineering  "What would you think if I told you that there was a group of people within our society that probably contained amongst their members some of the greatest engineers.."  Read more...

Tech adds $1 billion to Valley  "High tech equals big bucks in the Okanagan."  Read more...

More kids have autism, better diagnosis may be the reason.  Read more...